Ohin loron invazaun militar Indonézia mai TL ba dala 47

DILI (TOP) – Militar Indonézia halo invazaun boot mai Dili iha dadersan rai-hun mutin, iha Domingu, 7 Dezembru 1975, ró-ahi funu Indonézia nian tiru morteiru no kaiñaun durante oras ida nia laran, liu tiha ida ne’e forsa parakedista forsa Indonézia nian tun mai Dili nia klaran no forsa marineiru Indonézia mós sadere ona no tun iha Kampung Alor iha oeste sidade Dili nian. Forsa espesial Indonézia nian Kopassandha fahe ba grupu tolu, hodi asegura área estratéjiku sira iha Dili.

Husi 7 Dezembru 1975 to’o 7 Dezembru 2022 kompleta ona tinan 47.    

Liu tiha deklarasaun independénsia situasaun iha Timor Portugés kontinua manas liu tan. Lideransa Fretilin sira prepara-an hodi hein de’it invazaun husi militár Indonézia no kalan-kalan membru Komite Sentral fretilin (CCF-sigla Portugés) halo patrullamentu iha kapitál Dili.

Iha loron 2 Dezembru 1975 delegasaun ICRC (International Committee of Red Cross) iha Dili simu telegram ida husi Governu Australia ne’ebé fó atensaun ba sidadaun Australianu hotu iha Timor Portugés atu husik hela Timor Portugés ho razaun seguransa pesoál. Fretilin rekoñese neutralidade ICRC, maibé UDT, APODETI no Indonézia deskonfia ICRC la neutru.

Iha loron 2 Dezembru 1975, ICRC evakua ba Ataúru, ho planu atu harii klínika ida atu fó asisténsia mai Dili. Iha loron ne’ebé hanesan, Ministru Defeza RDTL 1975, Rogério Tiago Lobato hasai deklarasaun:

“Bazeia ba informasaun sira husi fonte intelejensia Fretilin nian, ami deskonfia sei iha invazaun boot mai Timor-Leste, espesifikamente sidade Dili sei akontese…Ami husu ba mundu atu hapara agresaun criminal ida ne’e, tanba sei halo ran nakfakar ne’ebé nunka atu para. Nasaun no Povu Timor-Leste sei rezisti!”

Iha loron 4 Dezembru 1975, delegasaun husi Timor-Leste kompostu husi Ministru Asuntu Ekonómia no Polítika - Mari Alkatiri, Ministru Asuntu Esterna no Informasaun - José Ramos Horta, no Ministru Defeza Nasionál - Rogério Tiago Lobato, husik hela Timor-Leste. Estadu RDTL fó konfiansa ba delegasaun ne’e hodi buka apoiu internasionál ba apoiu Repúblika foun ida ne’e.

Iha loron 6 Dezembru 1975, grupu servisu ikus liu husi ICRC husik hela Dili ba Ataúro, iha lorokraik ne’e komunidade sira komesa evakua ona ba foho. Kalan ne’e Roger East, úniku reporter rai li’ur ne’ebé sei hela iha Timor-Leste, no nia hakerek: “Situasaun seguransa komesa aat ba bei-beik, ema sira komesa evakua nei-neik ba foho. Kalan ne’e Dili hakmatek no kuaze atu mamuk, tan ema sira hela iha ne’e husik sira nia hela fatin. Oras kalan komesa implementa ona ba loron da-haat nian no soldadu sira lori kilat fó seguransa ba dalan sira no tasi ibun”.

Iha loron 6 Dezembru 1975 lokraik, Partisan Timor oan kuaze atus-resin hamutuk ho forsa Primeiru Unidade Mariña Indonézia nian sa’e ró funu forsa Naval Teluk Bone iha Atabae no komesa iha tasilaran mai Dili, sira mai halo preparasaun nune’e iha kalan sira halo invazaun boot iha loron tuir mai.

Iha tuku 02:00 madrugada, iha loron 7 Dezembru 1975, ró-ahi funu Indonézia nian hamutuk 5 komesa iha ona Dili. Haree ba ró-ahi hirak ne’e, Fretilin sira hamate ahi eletrisidade kapitál Dili, iha tuku 03:00 madrugada, Dili hafalun ho nakukun. Ró-ahi forsa Indonézia nia mós komesa tiru Sidade Dili. Iha loron 6 Dezembru 1975, loron ida antes invazaun, Prezidente Norte Amerikanu Gerald Ford no Ministru Estranjeiru Norte Amerikanu Henry Kissinger iha hela Jakarta. Analizadór CIA (Central Inteligent America) halo predisaun ida katak invazaun sei akontese ba Timor Portugés, bainhira Prezidente Ford fila ba Amerika.

[Suharto –] I would like to speak to you, Mr. President, about another problem, Timor. When it looked as if the Portuguese rule would end in Timor we sought to encourage the Portuguese to an orderly decolonization process. We had agreement with them on such a process and we recognized the authority of Portugal in the carrying out of decolonization and in giving people the right to express their wishes. Indonézia has no territorial ambitions. We are concerned only about the security, tranquility and peace of Asia and the southern hemisphere. In the latest Rome agreement the Portuguese government wanted to invite all parties to negotiate.

Similar efforts were made before but Fretilin did not attend. After the Fretilin forces occupied certain points and other forces were unable consolidate, Fretilin has declared its independence unilaterally. In consequence other parties declared their intention of integrating with Indonézia. Portugal reported the situation to the United Nations but did not extend recognition to Fretilin. Portugal, however, is unable to control the situation. If this continues it will prolong the suffering of the refugees and increase the instability in the area.

Ford – The four other parties have asked for integration?

Suharto – Yes. After the UDT, Indonesia found itself facing a fait accompli. It is now important to determine what we can do to establish peace and order for the present and the future in the interest of the security of the area and Indonézia. These are some of the considerations we are now contemplating. We want your understanding if we deem it necessary to take rapid or drastic action.

Ford – We will understand and will not press you on the issue. We understand the problem you have and the intentions you have. 43. Kissinger – You appreciate that the use of US-made arms could create problems.

Ford – We could have technical and legal problems. You are familiar, Mr. President, with the problems we had on Cyprus although this situation is different.

Kissinger – It depends on how we construe it: whether it is in self-defense or is a foreign operation. It is important that whatever you do succeeds quickly. We would be able to influence the reaction in America if whatever happens after we return. This way there would be less chance of people talking in an unauthorized way. The President will be back on Monday at 2:00 PM Jakarta time. We understand your problem and the need to move quickly but I am only saying that it would be better if it were done after we returned. 46. Ford – It would be more authoritative if we can do it in person.

Kissinger – Whatever you do, however, we will try to handle in the best way possible.

Ford – We recognize that you have a time factor. We have merely expressed our view from our particular point of view.

Kissinger – If you have made plans, we will do our best to keep everyone quiet until the President returns home.

[Kissinger –] Do you anticipate a long guerrilla war there?

Suharto – There will probably be a small guerrilla war. The local kings are important, however, and they are on our side. The UDT represents former government officials and Fretilin represents former soldiers. They are infected the same as is the Portuguese army with communism.

Militár Indonézia halo invazaun boot mai Dili iha dadeersan rai-hun mutin, iha Domingu, loron 7 Dezembru 1975, ró-ahi funu Indonézia nian tiru morteiru no kañaun durante oras ida nia laran, liu tiha ida ne’e forsa parakedista Indonézia nian semo tun mai Dili nia klaran no forsa mariñeiru Indonézia nian mós sadere ona no tun iha Kampung Alor (Dom Aleixo, Dili) iha Oeste sidade Dili nian. Forsa espesiál Indonézia nian Kopassandha fahe ba grupu tolu, hodi bele asegura área estratéjiku sira iha Dili.

Iha tuku 04:30 madrugada, mariñeiru Indonézia nian 400-resin ho tanke anfíbiu funu nian tama ona husi Kampung Alor. Antes rai-hun mutin iha loron 7 Dezembru, aviaun hamutuk sia (9) halo formasaun iha Ataúro nia leten, semo ba Oeste área Wetar nian no halo ataka mai Dili husi Leste. Iha dadeer tuku 5 : 45, forsa parakedista komesa hatún ona. Forsa parakedista sira tún iha Palasiu Governu nia sorin parte oeste, tuir dalan antigun José Maria Marques, maibé sira hasoru rezisténsia maka’as husi forsa Falintil-Fretilin sira, tanba iha área hirak ne’e mak iha postu Milisia Fretilin/Falintil. Tiru malu komesa manas iha fatin hirak ne’e entre Grupu Milisia Fretilin-Falintil sira ho Forsa Parakedista Indonézia nian liu-liu iha sede Cruz Vermelha Internasional nian.

Antes tuku 6 dadeer, Aviaun Hercules C-130B semo iha sidade leten hodi hatun forsa parakedista husi Komando Pasukan Sandhi Yudha (Primeiru Grupu) no Kostrad (Yonif 501).

Totál populasaun kapitál Dili iha 1975 hamutuk rihun 28.000. Bainhira akontese invazaun Forsa Armada Falintil, unidade balun nafatin iha Dili hodi satan invazaun, lideransa Fretilin no populasaun sivíl balun komesa evakua ona ba Aileu. Populasaun sivíl barak mós lakohi evakua ba Aileu, situasaun ne’e hamate populasaun barak durante loron 3 invazaun iha Dili.

(Relatóriu CHEGA!)

The Oekusi Post
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