Local traders suffer at the Numbei market

Oekusipost.com Oe-Kusi Ambeno – The domestic political turmoil which has been almost for more than two years, not only has a negative impact on politicians who are fighting for positions, but has also been disastrous for the local economic situation in remote areas.

The initial pilot project called the Special Zone for Economic and Social Market (ZEESM) in the Oecusse Ambeno Special Administration Region (RAEOA) that launched in early 2015 only focused on the infrastructure sector in 4 villages such as Costa, Nipani, Lalisuk and Cunha villages.

Oekusipost.com observ that, 14 other villages located in the mountains did not feel the presence of the ZEESM pilot project because there was no change in their lives except the electricity service which was considered a small change, but other sectors had not changed including the economic conditions of the community as well keep getting worse.

Even worse, when the 2020 state budget failed in the national parliament on January 17, it had a negative impact on traders in the Numberi market because there were no buyers. This situation is of concern to traders in the Numbei market, Costa village of Pante Makasar sub-region.

Trader Fernando Neka confirmed that domestic political turmoil had a negative impact on the economy in remote areas.

"Every day, our income reaches only five US dollars and that was earned for a few days selling here. A few years ago it's still better, now it's worse, said Neka to Oekusipost.com in the Numbei market, Oe-Kusi Ambeno Thursday, March 5, 2020.

"I think, most of us who sell here experienced the same situation except on market days, we just get a little money, but even then it depends on fortune," he explained.

Local businessman Ananias do Carmo Elo stressed that, during 2012 to 2015, most Oe-Kusi communities never complained about economic conditions, because many projects were entrusted to local entrepreneurs and provided employment for some communities so that there was a circulation of money in remote areas.

"But now it is even worse, the economic situation is not the same as before, said Ananias while comparing the economic situation before with now. (nin)

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