About Us

The Oe-Kusi Post

Beno of Multimedia Publication, Ltd

www.OeKusiPost.comis an online media platform in Oe-Kusi Ambeno, Timor-Leste that presents a variety of news in the national territory.

Rua. Numbei, Oe-Kusi Ambeno
Mobile: +670 7599 7627
Email: info (at) OeKusiPost.com

Person in Charge: Marcelino Tomae

Editorial Board:
Editor in chief: Marcelino Tomae
Reporter: Marcelino Tomae,Jefriano Caet, João Caunan

Web Master and Marketing:

Armindo de Jesus

+670 7300 8700


The Journalist of The Oe-Kusi Post is not allowed to get and receive various gifts in any form from sources.

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